Saturday, July 19, 2008

Infomercials vs Regular Programming

We as call screeners/board ops/producers generally start out at the bottom of the barrel doing any kind of show available. Saturday's are generally my day for doing a multitude of different programming. I've done everything from a show about medical footwear (thank god for planned callers) to lawyers giving free advice. For some weird reason listeners hate change in their programming schedule for their weekend much like people who watch a lot of TV don't like it when their favorite show moves to a different day or hour. It's funny, I sit at work right now and it's the first Saturday of new programs and already I've had around 10 callers ask me when a certain show is going to be on and what happened to the old show that was on this time slot. It's almost funny to hear these people in a state of panic about what happened to the old show. Then again I feel the same way with my TV and the Simpsons get moved around.

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