Saturday, July 19, 2008

Let's talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly ching-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer country!

I'm not racist at all, I felt that a quote from the Dave Chapelle Show skit "The Black White Supremacist" when he was talking about how he hates Chinese people. I'd show you the clip but its been removed from every video website because of the copyrights, so buy Season 1 instead.

We just had a guest on about Asian Americans and how they are viewed for college screening (thank god it was previously recorded) decided to let me know that "This woman should be working in a massage parlor."
I'm glad to see racists call me constantly to tell me things like this when I'm at work. I also enjoy when I'm supposed to do something to appease these callers like kick the guest off the air. Is everyone in this world a moron?