Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yellow Back

All callers have to be questioned about what they're going to say on the air. It works 99% of the time to make sure the crazies don't get on the air. Yesterday I asked a guy what he wanted to say in regards to a certain topic. He wanted to know why I needed to know that. I already have a short temper so I cut him off, and politely thanked him at the same time. About 5 minutes later I received another call from the same person, who said this:

"You're a fucking coward for not putting me on."

How that makes sense, I don't even know.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Classic comment #1

Before I started this little blog I had lots of people give me juicy little soundbites while asking them what they're going to say on the air. As I've stated I work for a large political talk show station, and it just so happens that we have an nationally known sports talk show station a floor below us in the same building. When the Giants won the Superbowl I got this gem of a phone call as our host began talking about Clinton and Obama's campaign (this may or may not give away where I work):

"What's your name and what do you want to say."

"Yeah, how come Eli Manning can win a Superbowl and Donovam Mcnabb still can't win a Superbowl...this city is doomed."

"Sir you've called the wrong station."

"No I didn't, I want to come on and talk about this."

What made it even better was my host wanted to talk to him before I hung up on him. Callers, please stay on topic. Idiots.